Local Groups
2023| Conservation Drainage in Illinois
Conservation drainage practices have been a critical component of statewide efforts in Illinois.
Vermillion Headwaters Watershed Partnership
American Farmland Trust is working with local stakeholders through the Vermilion Headwaters Watershed (VHW) Partnership to support the adoption of well-managed conservation cropping systems, leading to improvements in water quality and soil health. If you farm in Livingston or Ford Counties, Illinois and/or have farmland in the Vermilion Headwaters Watershed, there are many technical and…
Jo Daviess County Soil & Water Health Coalition
The mission of the Jo Daviess County Soil & Water Health Coalition is to invite individuals into a farmer-led conversation about soil health and water quality. The Coalition uses the information gained through experimentation and shared experience to implement practices that reduce soil erosion and nutrient loss while increasing resiliency and profitability on Jo Daviess…
Friends of the Fox River
Friends of the Fox River is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural resources of the Fox River watershed by connecting people with nature through education, research, restoration and advocacy.
2013 | Engaging Landowners Workshops
Missouri Department of Conservation is leading landowner engagement workshops for federal/state/county/NGO staff in a five-state area.
2014 | Big Muddy Wetlands
Landowners and US Forest Service are enhancing wetlands in swale and ridge topography and increasing water holding capability in an oxbow lake/button bush marsh along Big Muddy River.
2016 | Hutchins Creek Watershed
Farmers, USFS, USFWS, Partners for Fish & Wildlife, Illinois Department of Agriculture and Union SWCD are stabilizing streambanks, constructing riparian buffers and enhancing habitat for fish and mussel species of concern.
2017 | Galena River Watershed
Building on extensive county-wide planning, Jo-Daviess Soil and Water Health Coalition farmers and local partners are hosting workshops and facilitated discussions to establish consensus and active participation in watershed restoration.
2021 | Vermillion-Illinois Watersheds
Farmers, The Wetlands Initiative, NRCS, USFWS, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Illinois Corn Growers, University of Illinois, McKnight Foundation and others are advancing use of small tile-treatment wetlands on row-crop farms.
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