Boots on the Ground | Polk County Iowa SWCD

In Polk County, a general contractor/bid approach is scaling up conservation faster, at lower cost, in a way landowners appreciate. Learn how partners shaped a new system.

Boots on the Ground | Farmers for Tomorrow

Matt Hintz and his family do not drink their own water. “As a farmer,” he says, “I want to change that.” He and neighbors focus on soil health to achieve the goal.

Video | Watershed Leaders Network

Fishers & Farmers' interactive, no-lecture, professionally-facilitated workshops bring farmers, landowners and collaborators together to ask questions, hear new perspectives, reflect, and identify their own next wise steps.

Fishers & Farmers: Connecting landowners for grassroots action

Heidi Keuler, Fishers & Farmers’ coordinator, and Clark Porter, Middle Cedar Watershed farmer/Iowa Department of Agriculture environmental specialist, discuss outreach with an Upper Mississippi River Region League of Women Voters host.

Oxbow alchemy better than lead into gold

Two restored Boone River oxbow wetlands on Camille Rogers' Iowa farm are part of a plan to renew more than 400 similar sites in her watershed. After eroded soil was removed, the topeka shiner minnow returned and Rogers can again enjoy a favorite natural area from her childhood.

Coming together for the sake of a creek

Focused work in Minnesota's Rice Creek watershed is connecting producers, reducing the risk of trying cover crops and other new practices, influencing local farming methods and improving conditions for brook trout in Rice Creek.