Coming together for the sake of a creek

Focused work in Minnesota's Rice Creek watershed is connecting producers, reducing the risk of trying cover crops and other new practices, influencing local farming methods and improving conditions for brook trout in Rice Creek.

No-tillers take the lead for water quality

Wisconsin no-tillers John Eron and Matt Hintz didn’t wait for regulations telling them how to farm. They started farmer-led watershed groups to deal directly with local environmental issues and the groups that raised them, not as adversaries, but as advocates.

Proving collaboration is possible

Cooperation between local partners in Pike County is increasing the number of cover cropped acres. Producers John and Sandy Scherder say it has everything to do with the will to connect.

Root causes, root solutions

Root River Field to Stream Partnership tracks the effect of farm practices on streams and helps landowners act for the future. See how Steph and Josh Dahl invested to expand their operation.

Farmers lead for healthier soil and water

At a Watershed Leaders Network workshop, participants ask: How do I farm, protect public waters and get return on my investment? How do I catalyze others to do the same?