Fishers & Farmers: Connecting landowners for grassroots action

Heidi Keuler, Fishers & Farmers’ coordinator, and Clark Porter, Middle Cedar Watershed farmer/Iowa Department of Agriculture environmental specialist, discuss outreach with an Upper Mississippi River Region League of Women Voters host.

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Video | Watershed Leaders Network

Fishers & Farmers’ interactive, no-lecture, professionally-facilitated workshops bring farmers, landowners and collaborators together to ask questions, hear new perspectives, reflect, and identify their own next wise steps.

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Hannibal, Missouri | August 6-7, 2018

people at brewery for meeting

For two days in Hannibal, Missouri, 45 participants explored the question: What’s needed now to engage more farmers and landowners in actively caring about streams and water quality? Participants shared their own diverse experiences and knowledge in a series of conversations, then supported each other in identifying next wise steps for work at home.

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Proving collaboration is possible

100 Peno and Spencer Creek watershed farmers learn about soil health

Cooperation between local partners in Pike County is increasing the number of cover cropped acres. Producers John and Sandy Scherder say it has everything to do with the will to connect.

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Dubuque, Iowa | November 28-29, 2017

WLN group

For two days at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa, 60 people connected with peers to share their work for soil health, streams and places they care about. Fourteen farmer-driven watershed groups participated.

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Dubuque, Iowa | November 28-30, 2016

At National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium in Dubuque

At the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, farmer-driven soil health and watershed groups learned about each others’ land, crops and conservation delivery systems, social realities and challenges. Then stories, questions, dialogues, listening and local group work helped define next wise steps for work at home.

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