Soil Health & Watershed Groups
Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil – Healthy Water
Southeast Wisconsin

Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil – Healthy Water is composed of farmers from Dodge County who work together to educate other farmers on conservation methods. Our mission is to improve our community’s soil and water through conservation practices and education.
News & Stories
- Growing Grassroots Change
- Who is Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil – Health Water?
- Boots on the Ground with Fishers & Farmers | Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil – Healthy Water
- No Till and Planting Green Grow Success in Grazing Cattle
- Lush Farms Organic Worm Castings Feed the Soil
- Biljean Farms Share Benefit of Long Term No Till
- Cover Crop Showcase Brings Farmers and Lakeshore Owners Together for a Unique Event
- Grazing Interceded Covers for Profitability: Do the numbers pencil out?
Watershed or Service Area Map
About Us
Growing a Group:
- Active group 5+ years
- Book sharing
- Farmer-led group
- Formed a new group
- Fundraising
- Grant writing
- Member-led project planning
- Neighbor to neighbor mentoring
- Personal invitations to neighbors to grow the group
- Other
- Actively participated in local watershed planning process
- Collaboration with agriculture or conservation organizations
- Collaboration with local ag retailers and/or crop advisors
- Collaboration with local civic groups
- Collaboration with local college or university
- Other
- Engage local schools
- Media interviews
- Presentation to groups
- Promotion to media outlets
- Social media cultivation
- Video Development
- Website Development
- Other
Land & Water:
- Bioreactors
- Cover crops
- Crop diversification
- Floodplain restoration
- Grass waterways
- Grazing
- Nutrient management & retention
- Perennial crops
- Prairie strips
- Saturated buffers
- Stream buffers
- Stream restoration
- Water retention basins
- Wetlands
- Other
Assessment & Data:
- Agronomic data collection
- Field edge data collection
- Field walkovers
- Stream monitoring
- Other
- Fishing event
- Farm field days
- Paddle event
- Upstream or downstream connections/visits
- Booth at local event
- Other
Fishers & Famers Partnership Program Participation:
- Workshop
- Neighbor to Neighbor Radio Podcast
- Boots on the Ground Online Conversation
- Group Presentation
- Project Tour
- Featured in a Story
- Featured in a Video
- Meetings
- None
Additional Photos
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