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Boots on the Ground | Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil – Healthy Water

In 2015 farmer Tony Peirick and lake shore owner Bill Boettge wanted to protect Dodge County, Wisconsin lakes and streams, but dreaded stepping into a nonpoint source work group they feared would be a shouting match. In fact, that’s exactly what happened.
But because Tony and Bill connected, planned pontoon rides and cover crop showcases, and cultivated respect and trust among neighbors, Tony now hosts 150 people at soil health events, the lake association pays for cover crops, projects get done, and they’re actually having fun.
In this conversation, meet Tony, Bill and county conservationist John Bohonek. Learn how they're opening eyes to the connection between land and water. Says Tony, “It’s been phenomenal to see what happens on farms around the county. I never thought this would happen! It HAS TO happen, and IT IS happening.”