Root causes, root solutions

Root River Field to Stream Partnership tracks the effect of farm practices on streams and helps landowners act for the future. See how Steph and Josh Dahl invested to expand their operation.

Farmers lead for healthier soil and water

At a Watershed Leaders Network workshop, participants ask: How do I farm, protect public waters and get return on my investment? How do I catalyze others to do the same?

Lanesboro, Minnesota | August 1-3, 2016

Three days of stories, listening and active conversation between Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri and Wisconsin farmer-led groups focused their commitment to active work at home and contributed to formation of two new groups.

Dubuque, Iowa | November 28-30, 2016

At the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium, farmer-driven soil health and watershed groups learned about each others’ land, crops and conservation delivery systems, social realities and challenges. Then stories, questions, dialogues, listening and local group work helped define next wise steps for work at home.

Dubuque, Iowa | November 28-29, 2017

For two days at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa, 60 people connected with peers to share their work for soil health, streams and places they care about. Fourteen farmer-driven watershed groups participated.

Boots on the Ground | Clean River Partners

Meet a watershed coordinator, farmer, two college professors and Rice SWCD staff who are breaking down barriers and working together to keep nutrients and sediment out of Rice Creek.

Dundas farmers improving water quality in Rice Creek

Minnesota’s trout streams are treasured resources offering people outdoor recreation and excitement. Sometimes though, trout streams can have a rough time in farm country. Thanks to the work of 11 farmers in Dundas, Minnesota, water quality in Rice Creek is showing important improvements.

The benefits of restored oxbows

An oxbow is a historic river bend, cut off from the main channel much of the time. Restored oxbows re-establish ecological functions and provide flood storage and habitat to fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. They also process nutrients and are affordable.