Fishers & Farmers: Connecting landowners for grassroots action
Heidi Keuler, Fishers & Farmers’ coordinator, and Clark Porter, Middle Cedar Watershed farmer/Iowa Department of Agriculture environmental specialist, discuss outreach with an Upper Mississippi River Region League of Women Voters host.
Read MoreVideo | Watershed Leaders Network
Fishers & Farmers’ interactive, no-lecture, professionally-facilitated workshops bring farmers, landowners and collaborators together to ask questions, hear new perspectives, reflect, and identify their own next wise steps.
Read MoreHannibal, Missouri
For two days in Hannibal, Missouri, 45 participants explored the question: What’s needed now to engage more farmers and landowners in actively caring about streams and water quality? Participants shared their own diverse experiences and knowledge in a series of conversations, then supported each other in identifying next wise steps for work at home.
Read MoreFarmers lead for healthier soil and water
At a Watershed Leaders Network workshop, participants ask: How do I farm, protect public waters and get return on my investment? How do I catalyze others to do the same?
Read MoreProving collaboration is possible
Cooperation between local partners in Pike County is increasing the number of cover cropped acres. Producers John and Sandy Scherder say it has everything to do with the will to connect.
Read MoreGrowing grassroots change: Farmer-led conservation is getting a little help from its friends
“A watershed group was worth a try,” said farmer Brian McCulloh, “so I attended meetings with an open mind. It helps when neighbors struggle with the same challenges, to do better.”
Read MoreNo-tillers take the lead for water quality
Wisconsin no-tillers John Eron and Matt Hintz didn’t wait for regulations telling them how to farm. They started farmer-led watershed groups to deal directly with local environmental issues and the groups that raised them, not as adversaries, but as advocates.
Read MoreNeighbor to Neighbor | Peno Creek Cooperative Partnership
Hear how producer John Scherder and MDC Fisheries regional lead Chris Williamson connected and turned a ripple of interest into a wave of cover crop adoption in Peno Creek Watershed.
Read MoreBoots on the Ground | Peno Creek Landowner Council
“We wanted to collaborate with farmers,” said Missouri Department of Conservation’s Chris Williamson, “but we didn’t know how. So instead of developing a program and trying to pitch it, we listened.”
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