2019 | Rice Creek & Cannon River Watersheds

Farmers are planting cover crops for 3 consecutive years and Clean River Partners, St. Olaf College and Minnesota DNR are coordinating, monitoring and conducting a fish count to show impacts.

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2019 | Bad Axe & Kickapoo Rivers

Valley Stewardship Network is supporting four landowner-led watershed councils and demonstrating best management practices on upland and riparian farmland in two major watersheds.

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2020 | Relay Cropping & Replicated Strip Trials

Farmers, Iowa Soybean Association and Northeast Iowa Resource Conservation & Development are implementing relay cropping and replicated strip trials to evaluate for yield and environmental impact, and facilitating dialogue among farmers.

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2021 | Kickapoo & Bad Axe Watersheds

Valley Stewardship Network, Tainter Creek Farmer-Led Watershed Council, West Fork Watershed Neighbors Council, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Madison, UW-LaCrosse, Wisconsin DNR, City of Viroqua and Viroqua FFA are building watershed councils, STRIPS, and FFA regenerative ag activity.

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2021 | Cannon River Watershed

Farmers, Clean River Partners, Rice SWCD, St. Olaf College, MPCA, Minnesota DNR and McKnight Foundation are expanding cover cropping in Heath, Rice and Wolf Creek watersheds, including farmer-to-farmer and farmer-to-student learning.

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