2024 | Valley Stewardship Network

In the Kickapoo (WI) and adjacent watersheds, private, working lands conservation is key for watershed protection. Best management of upland and riparian farmland is especially critical to aquatic health, sustainability of agriculture, and the economic benefits of cold-water fisheries.

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2014 | Kickapoo River Watershed

Valley Stewardship Network is establishing a demonstration site, hosting landowner discussions about economic benefits of best farm management practices, restoring 30 acres of tilled floodplain and conducting water quality monitoring.

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2017 | Kickapoo River Watershed

Valley Stewardship Network is creating the first farmer-led Iowa State University Science-based STRIPS (Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips) demonstration and farmer-to-farmer education site in Wisconsin.

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2018 | Tainter & Conway Creeks

Tainter Creek Farmer-Led Council, Valley Stewardship Network, Trout Unlimited, Wisconsin DNR and NRCS are stabilizing a mile+ of eroding banks and creating in-stream fish habitat on Tainter and Conway creeks.

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2019 | Bad Axe & Kickapoo Rivers

Valley Stewardship Network is supporting four landowner-led watershed councils and demonstrating best management practices on upland and riparian farmland in two major watersheds.

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2020 | Monroe County Land Conservation Department

Farmers, landowners, Monroe County Land Conservation and Trout Unlimited are innovating to monitor effectiveness of streambank restoration practices before and after storms, to enhance floodplains, flow regimes and connectivity.

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2021 | Kickapoo & Bad Axe Watersheds

Valley Stewardship Network, Tainter Creek Farmer-Led Watershed Council, West Fork Watershed Neighbors Council, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Madison, UW-LaCrosse, Wisconsin DNR, City of Viroqua and Viroqua FFA are building watershed councils, STRIPS, and FFA regenerative ag activity.

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