2023| Devils Creek Watershed

A stark difference between the upper and lower part of the watershed forces this group to think outside the box and pursue two major approaches.

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2023| Vermillion River Watershed

This unique project combines on-the-ground habitat restoration with landowner outreach and education to create tangible upland and in-stream habitat benefits.

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2023| Boone River Watershed

Leveraging state water quality initiative funds to increase Boone River Watershed oxbow restorations for Topeka Shiner and water quality.

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2024 | FFP Workshop – Galena, IL

These unique workshops support farmer leadership and collaborative action, so farms and fish thrive together. They connect farming neighbors, landowners, and local collaborators to learn, share and define next steps forward.

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2024 | Valley Stewardship Network

In the Kickapoo (WI) and adjacent watersheds, private, working lands conservation is key for watershed protection. Best management of upland and riparian farmland is especially critical to aquatic health, sustainability of agriculture, and the economic benefits of cold-water fisheries.

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2022 | Bridge to Soil Health

Land Stewardship Project’s Bridge to Soil Health program is scaling-up the number of crop & livestock farmers who are restoring soil and talking publicly about resulting financial and environmental benefits.

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2022 | Soil Regeneration

Farmers, Izaak Walton League, agencies and ag service providers are advancing farming systems to restore soil health in Minnesota, including education, events, forums, interviews, workshops, tours and demonstration plots.

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