2023| Huzzah/Shoal Creeks Woodlands for Wildlife
Using conservation marketing, an innovative approach being used in this geography, to engage landowners willing to adopt agricultural BMPs (Best Management Practices).
Read More2013 | Bourbeuse / Meramec River Watershed
Farmers and Missouri Department of Conservation are implementing managed grazing to add value to farms and reduce sedimentation, nutrient loading & streambank instability.
Read More2014 | Peno Creek Watershed
Missouri Department of Conservation, NRCS and others are providing technical and cost share assistance to Peno Creek Cooperative Partnership for watering systems, riparian corridor tree plantings, stream fencing and stream crossings.
Read More2016 | Spring Creek Watershed
Farmers and Missouri Department of Conservation are installing alternative water systems, riparian fencing and reinforced stream crossings, restoring riparian corridors, developing managed grazing plans and planting cover crops to improve fish habitat.
Read More2017 | Shoal Creek Watershed
Farmers, Shoal Creek Woodlands for Wildlife Partnership and Ozark Land Trust are implementing a Marketing Action Plan to increase infiltration, improve stream channel habitat and reduce sediment and nutrient loading.
Read More2017 | Peno Creek Watershed
Missouri Department of Conservation, NRCS and others are providing technical and cost share assistance to Peno Creek Cooperative Partnership for watering systems, riparian corridor tree plantings, stream fencing and stream crossings.
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