2019 | Rice Creek & Cannon River Watersheds

Farmers are planting cover crops for 3 consecutive years and Clean River Partners, St. Olaf College and Minnesota DNR are coordinating, monitoring and conducting a fish count to show impacts.

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2019 | Bad Axe & Kickapoo Rivers

Valley Stewardship Network is supporting four landowner-led watershed councils and demonstrating best management practices on upland and riparian farmland in two major watersheds.

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2021 | Kickapoo & Bad Axe Watersheds

Valley Stewardship Network, Tainter Creek Farmer-Led Watershed Council, West Fork Watershed Neighbors Council, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Madison, UW-LaCrosse, Wisconsin DNR, City of Viroqua and Viroqua FFA are building watershed councils, STRIPS, and FFA regenerative ag activity.

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2021 | Vermillion-Illinois Watersheds

Farmers, The Wetlands Initiative, NRCS, USFWS, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Illinois Corn Growers, University of Illinois, McKnight Foundation and others are advancing use of small tile-treatment wetlands on row-crop farms.

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