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2025 Funding Available & Informative Webinar Scheduled

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The mission of the Fishers & Farmers Partnership is to support locally-led conservation projects that add value to farms while restoring aquatic habitat and native fish populations.

FFP is seeking to fund projects that:

  1. Increase native fish/mussel populations – Focal fish/mussel species: smallmouth bass, Topeka shiner, American brook lamprey, blacknose dace, black redhorse, blackside darter, brook/brown trout, channel catfish, hornyhead chub, southern redbelly dace, Higgins’ eye mussel, pink mucket, scaleshell, spectaclecase
  2. Improve in-stream habitat by reducing sedimentation, phosphorus and nitrogen runoff
  3. Work with farmers/landowners to protect/maintain healthy aquatic systems, or prevent further degradation by promoting best management practices across the landscape
  4. Increase landowner engagement/farmer-led committees that drive conservation
  5. Improve connectivity, floodplain habitat, and enhance flow regimes
  6. Monitor effectiveness of conservation projects, then share our stories through outreach
  7. Increase public access to land or later for recreational opportunities.

More information about available funding, timelines, and project ranking criteria is available HERE. Project proposals are due January 15th, 2024. To apply for funding, complete the Fishers & Farmers proposal template, and submit it to Heidi Keuler, FFP co-coordinator.


An online conversation is scheduled for November 27th at 11am CST. FFP coordinators and steering committee members will be available to walk you through the the application process, answer questions, and provide insight on how your project could be awarded funds from the Fishers & Farmers Partnership.