2023| Devils Creek Watershed

A stark difference between the upper and lower part of the watershed forces this group to think outside the box and pursue two major approaches.

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2023| Vermillion River Watershed

This unique project combines on-the-ground habitat restoration with landowner outreach and education to create tangible upland and in-stream habitat benefits.

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2024 | Valley Stewardship Network

In the Kickapoo (WI) and adjacent watersheds, private, working lands conservation is key for watershed protection. Best management of upland and riparian farmland is especially critical to aquatic health, sustainability of agriculture, and the economic benefits of cold-water fisheries.

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2014 | Kickapoo River Watershed

Valley Stewardship Network is establishing a demonstration site, hosting landowner discussions about economic benefits of best farm management practices, restoring 30 acres of tilled floodplain and conducting water quality monitoring.

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2014 | Peno Creek Watershed

Missouri Department of Conservation, NRCS and others are providing technical and cost share assistance to Peno Creek Cooperative Partnership for watering systems, riparian corridor tree plantings, stream fencing and stream crossings.

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2015 | Seven-Mile Creek Watershed

Seven Mile Creek Watershed Partnership (farmers, Great River Greening, Nicollet SWCD and NRCS) is installing water storage systems and bioreactors to reduce ravine erosion, sedimentation and nutrient runoff to the creek.

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2016 | Spring Creek Watershed

Farmers and Missouri Department of Conservation are installing alternative water systems, riparian fencing and reinforced stream crossings, restoring riparian corridors, developing managed grazing plans and planting cover crops to improve fish habitat.

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