2023| Devils Creek Watershed

A stark difference between the upper and lower part of the watershed forces this group to think outside the box and pursue two major approaches.

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2023| Boone River Watershed

Leveraging state water quality initiative funds to increase Boone River Watershed oxbow restorations for Topeka Shiner and water quality.

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2024 | Valley Stewardship Network

In the Kickapoo (WI) and adjacent watersheds, private, working lands conservation is key for watershed protection. Best management of upland and riparian farmland is especially critical to aquatic health, sustainability of agriculture, and the economic benefits of cold-water fisheries.

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2022 | Bridge to Soil Health

Land Stewardship Project’s Bridge to Soil Health program is scaling-up the number of crop & livestock farmers who are restoring soil and talking publicly about resulting financial and environmental benefits.

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2022 | Seven Mile Creek Watershed

Farmers, Great River Greening and Nicollet SWCD are hosting field days, community events, demonstrations and discussions to advance cover crops, crop rotation and data collection showing results of conservation practices.

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2014 | Rice Creek Watershed

Clean River Partners is facilitating three farmer-led projects (installation of two water management drainage structures, 300 acres strip-till, 200 acres cover crops) with integrated on-farm demos, meetings, tours and research.

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2014 | Kickapoo River Watershed

Valley Stewardship Network is establishing a demonstration site, hosting landowner discussions about economic benefits of best farm management practices, restoring 30 acres of tilled floodplain and conducting water quality monitoring.

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2016 | Root River Watershed

Root River Field to Stream Partnership farmers, MN Department of Agriculture, county agencies, TNC, MN Ag Water Resources Center and MN DNR are evaluating nutrient and sediment loss and conservation effectiveness with field-edge and in-stream monitoring.

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