Funded Project

2022 | Fishers & Farmers Coordination, Science & Communications Teams


Applicant Organization: Fishers & Farmers Partnership

Contact: Heidi Keuler



Fishers & Farmers Partnership is funding baseline coordination, communications and science staffing.  This effort is a multi-faceted communication plan to engage more fully with farmers and stakeholders for watershed health.  Communications includes systematic development of strategic messages, identifying new audiences, developing content for digital platforms, and engaging with the steering committee to help guide the mission and vision.

The communications lead drives outreach, including all media-website, e-mail, newsletters, success stories, presentations, and radio.  New forms of outreach include the popular Fishers & Farmers Workshops, digital workshop events, and “Boots on the Ground” podcast.  Systemic development of strategic messages, delivery systems, and communication tools speeds and supports the work.  Communication coordination work, thoughtfully executed, will free staff for more projects later and generate long-term results.  Dedicated listening, clear messages, honest communication, direct contact, and building alliances with trusted partners is essential to the work.